Indecent Digit: January 22, 2006

Friday, January 27, 2006

The Most Disgusting Story of the Day

...hope you haven't eaten lately...

The money quote:

"Larry has this Indian costume that just drives me wild . . . I wear chaps!"

Oh, the indecency...


Since I can't get away with too much surfing today, I chose to get all of my Friday news trash from The Raw Story.

Here's what you missed:

Well, duh...

Buyers' remorse anyone?

When all else fails, try kidnapping!

When all else fails, fire up the bigots!

When they fire up the bigots, fire back!

...and if that doesn't work...

For more news you can use, click around in the links at the right.

Ann Coulter: Still a Scumbag

This Month in Indecency

Greetings, gentle visitor! It's been about three weeks since I've been able to post anything here, and I promise that I've hated every minute of it. The Team Goldenstar home computer is still lifeless and I can only blog when my boss isn't looking (and that isn't often). I'm told that a new computer may be in our future, so hopefully we'll be able to get up and running again real soon.

In the meantime, I'm inviting some new contributors and adding some new "regular" features that I've been planning for a while, such as music and movie reviews, so that we may continue to wallow in our own geekdom as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience!