Indecent Digit: October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"Shepard of Men" Open Thread

Again, thanks to a tip from The Raw Story (which you should visit every day), I stumbled upon this story from the Washington Blade which tells us what we already knew about Fox News heartthrob Shepard Smith.

Have a great night!

Where No Man Has Boinked Before

Thank The Raw Story for this one!

My favorite quote:

"Breakups can lead to violence and all kinds of things".

What an optimist!

Extreme Rice!!!

Great idea, Repugs! Not like she has any baggage or anything...

Downtown Fun with "Sam-Not-Ross"

Sam from ROSYVELT stopped by last night and we hit the town, first to the Eastside for beer and much second-hand smoke inhalation, and then to Thai Pavilion for some amazing food.

Sam says ROSYVELT is recording their new CD as we speak. Here's why you should be excited about that.

"Mild About Harry" Open Thread

It seems that nobody really expects Harriet Miers to be confirmed anymore. That's fine by me, but does that mean we have to really start worrying now? If her nomination sinks because she wasn't enough of a knuckle-dragging "conservative", then Bush's next nomination will undoubtably be truly scary.

Your thoughts?

Penguin Lust

Speaking of wingnuts, there has been some noise from God's Own Circus on the subject of Luc Jacquet's recent film, March of the Penguins, specifically that the film is cinematic proof of "Intelligent Design". For those of you who don't yet understand the "theory" that constitutes this assault on the scientific method, Robert Cooper sums it up quite well in this editorial, This Smart and No Smarter: The Hubris of Intelligent Design:

"If we can't figure out the solution, then the solution will be forever beyond humanity's reach and study, and only a magical 'designer' can provide us the answers for our unanswered questions."

Anyway, oldschool friends of Indecent Digit know that we are all quite fond of this debate, and I should also add that I have been particularly obsessed with the clowns' assertion that the complexity of the penguins' migration patterns and the strong family bonds that the penguins exhibit in the documentary are solid evidence that A) life is too darned complicated to have just "sprung up" like the Jesus-shaped mold spot on James Dobson's cheese wheel, and B) Marriage, monogamy, and heterosexuality are all imprinted upon us directly by the Creator's Noodly Appendage.

In this amusing article from the Times Online, director of the film has spoken out against the "hijacking" of his work by the dominionist crowd:

“It does annoy me to a certain degree,” ... “For me there is no doubt about evolution. I am a scientist. The intelligent design theory is a step back to the thinking of 300 years ago. My film is not supposed to be interpreted in this way."

And my favorite quote:

“'If you want an example of monogamy, penguins are not a good choice,'” Luc Jacquet told The Times. “'The divorce rate in emperor penguins is 80 to 90 per cent each year,'” ... “'After they see the chick is OK, most of them divorce. They change every year.'”

Take that, Medved!

[UPDATE: I just read this ignorant defense of ID by Donald Hoffman. My favorite part comes in his equally ignorant, though brief, mention of the ID "textbook", Of Pandas and People [emphasis mine]:

"I have not never read '''Of Pandas and People,''' so I have no basis to comment on either its scientific validity or proselytizing potential."

Against such an intellect, the Flying Spaghetti Monster stands no chance.]

"Less-Than-Desirable Couplings"

The Kansas Supreme Court strikes a blow for justice, and the wingnuts fall back on the same tired rhetoric:

"Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline said the state high court ruling would lead to incest and 'other less-than-desirable couplings' but said he probably won't appeal."

As repugnant as that statment is, I get even more nauseus when I try to imagine what Mr. Kline would view as a desirable coupling. I mean, look at him! He could even be thinking about coupling right now...

[Belated] Friday Cat Blogging

Maybe I should just change this feature to "Saturday Cat Blogging"...

And while I'm catching up, the two or three of you who may be lurking out there have probably noticed by now that things have been fairly quiet around here lately. Sorry about that. It's been a hell of a month here in O-town, but my fabulous Dayjob has finally released me from my overtime requirements, so you should expect a little more activity around here. I have been going through the news bag for the first time in a while, and I seem to have missed quite a bit. So, if you're dumb enough to seek all of your information from this website, then rest assured that I will load you up shortly.

will also be back soon with her review of breakfast.

Anyway, sorry for the delay...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Workday Fun Open Thread

I know it's just a "a routine step before court appearance", but this still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Warrant party" anyone?